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A variety of life events for and by artists & their audiences.


Live shows, meet up's, workshops, panels and more..

Live events offer a unique and irreplaceable experience for both artists and their audiences. They create a sense of community and connection that cannot be replicated in the same way through digital means. By hosting live events alongside our digital and virtual formats, we offer a comprehensive range of experiences for artists and their audiences, meeting the needs of everyone involved.

Upcoming live events..

  • "SenseAtion" - Absolventenshow Berlin
    "SenseAtion" - Absolventenshow Berlin
    Click "Attend" for information & tickets
    Europe (mainly Germany)
    Click "Attend" for information & tickets
    Europe (mainly Germany)
    We are proud to be producing the tour of Germany's only state acrobatic school. Twelve young artists are beginning their careers and presenting their show "SenseAtion" all over Europe.

Interested in hosting your next event together with us - or want to book an artist? 

Thank you!

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